¿Fue la Guerra de los Treinta Años una “guerra total”?


  • Peter H. Wilson University of Oxford



Palabras clave:

guerra total, Guerra de los Treinta Años, retaguardia, movilización, políticas de ocupación


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Biografía del autor/a

Peter H. Wilson, University of Oxford

Peter H. Wilson is Chichele Professor of the History of War at the University of Oxford. His research interests are centred on the impact of war in European and World Development, as well as the history of the Holy Roman Empire. His last book is The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe’s History (2016). But his has published many others like The Thirty Years War: A Sourcebook (2010), Europe’s Tragedy: A History of the Thirty Years War (2009) or Warfare in Europe, 1815-1914 (2006). Many of them has been translated into different languages from all over the world.




Cómo citar

Wilson, P. H. (2016). ¿Fue la Guerra de los Treinta Años una “guerra total”?. Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 5(10), 341–356. https://doi.org/10.53351/ruhm.v5i10.206