La transformación de la moral militar: armas y soldados en el campo de batalla del siglo XIX


  • Gervase Phillips Manchester Metropolitan University


Palabras clave:

moral militar, evolución armamentística, Guerra Civil Americana, rol del combatiente en la batalla


Traducción a cargo de Esther Montañés Sánchez


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Biografía del autor/a

Gervase Phillips, Manchester Metropolitan University

Who am I?

My research revolves around human conflict. This covers struggles between and within nations, religions, ideological groups and also more one-sided instances of persecution and enslavement.
I am interested in the causes, conduct and, hopefully, the ultimate resolution of such conflicts. I also pursue related themes, such as technology and warfare and the military use and treatment of animals. I am inquisitive, bookish and freethinking. Away from work, I generally like to be on a horse or rolling dice.

Why do I teach?

I am committed to the study of history by my belief in the integral worth of the discipline. History has been a major contributor to human knowledge over the last 2500 years. History develops students into rigorous thinkers and fluent communicators. As a subject it produces open-minded, reflective and empathetic individuals, tolerant of difference, adaptable and humane in their values.

Words of wisdom

History is the story of humankind. What more important story is there than that?

How I’ll teach you

As a teacher I aim to be: enthusiastic; supportive and a little provocative...

I strive to keep students interested and well-motivated, through engaging and thought-provoking lectures and seminars. By using role-play or dissecting an original document, I hope to encourage analytical thinking, challenging ideas and an appetite for research. I constantly remind students about the importance of reading. So pick up a book!


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Cómo citar

Phillips, G. (2017). La transformación de la moral militar: armas y soldados en el campo de batalla del siglo XIX. Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 6(11), 278–299.