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Author Guidelines

Special issue submission guidelines:

We would like to open the chance to present proposals to coordinate special issues, being our main objective to know as directly as possible the main interests and research areas nowadays in the field of war studies. We want to promote this policy as the best proof of the open and participative nature of this project.

Those interested can send a summary of 500-600 words. The coordinator/s will specify the main subject of the proposal, the debates in which it would take part, why they considered important and necessary to prepare and publish that special issue or what they want to bring forward with, for example. The proposal must include a minimum of four articles and a maximum of seven, and these have to tackle the same problem or thematic line in its different directions, aspects or dimensions between various time periods or political spaces. Priority will be given (and we will take special consideration) to innovative proposals from the point of view of interpretation, sources and methodology, specially those which are in line with the spirit of the journal (here). Finally, it is important to include a list providing the names of the authors and the provisional titles of their future articles, with whom the coordinator/s has/have to establish contact and to agree their involvement in the special issue. Anyway we accept mixed forms that could combine an open Call for Papers launched by the coordinator/s to attract contributors with a number of articles previously closed by the very contributor/s. At the same time we will specially value the inclusion of little summaries of 200 word for each article, specifying the main aims of the author, his sources and methodology. When it is justified on the basis of its interest, we are open to include a translation into English, Spanish or Portuguese of some article previously published as part of the contents, a work that would be carried out by the coordinator/s and would have to respect the internal coherence of the special issue as a whole. The future articles must adjust to our author guidelines (see points 3 to 11).

In addition, the approval of the proposal wont imply in any case the automatic acceptance of its different articles. For this reason, these must pass our current evaluation process (see point 2). In its final conception the special issue will always have to be opened by an introductory piece of conceptual and methodological character that should reap the justification of the project by placing it in the existing debates. Its lenght should be between a minimum of 2.500 words and a maximum of 3.500.


Articles submission guidelines:

1. Authors commit themselves to submit original and non-published manuscripts. They cannot simultaneously be under consideration by another journal either. Manuscripts must be closely related to military history in any of its fields from antiquity to nowadays: strategy, anthropology, psychology, culture, archaeology, sociology, technology, politics, etc.
The articles and reviews can be sent preferably in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

2. The Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar implements a double-blind policy for reviewing the articles received in which the identity of both the reviewer and author are concealed from both parties. The articles received are reviewed initially by the editorial board and only those papers meeting the scientific standards of the journal, and fitting within the aims, profile and scope defined for the project of RUHM (see here) will be sent for external review. Articles must make a new interpretative or factual contribution in order to be considered for their publication. In this sense, the editors reserve the right to reject papers that do not fit with the aims, scope or standards of the journal without their being sent out to referees. Equally, RUHM verifies the fulfilment of all the basic parameters of academic rigour concerning quotations and the other rules set by the Editorial Board.
The final decision shall be communicated within a period of 4 months.

3. Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format, 1,15 lines and Times New Roman 12-point font size, taking a maximum length of 9,000 words and never minimum than 7,500 (including footnotes and graphics in both cases). Paragraphs should start with an indentation of 1,25 cm. The textual quotes should be introduced with inverted commas of this kind «», meanwhile the foreign words should be italicized. All the textual quotes of more than two lines have to be put in a different paragraph, without inverted commas and reducing the lateral margins in 1 cm from both the right and left sides. In regard to footnotes must be used Times New Roman 10-point font size and these have to be introduced in the main text by the number of the reference, always after the last punctuation mark.

4. The headings used in order to construct and organize the article should be in the same size and font as the whole text, without numbering and using boldface. If possible subheadings should be avoided, anyway these would be introduced in italics and preceded by a letter and a bracket alphabetically: a), b), c) and so on.

5. A summary of the article in Spanish and English (between 300 and 400 words) must be included. Also the title of the article and five keywords, both in Spanish and English (the RUHM provides help with the Spanish one if needed) must be added.

6. The author should provide his/her name and surname, academic affiliation (if there is some) and e-mail address in the first page. The e-mail will be the mean of communication between the journal and the authors.

7. The authors will also provide a brief CV comprising his/her academic, research and professional backgrounds that will be attached to the end of the article in a different page (no longer than 150 words in any case).

8. The tables, graphics, and images of suitable quality must be inserted in their respective places within the text after having clearly been numbered and identified (table n. 1, graphic n. 1, image n. 1, with their respective legend if appropriate).

9. The editorial board shall decide the number of images included in the article.

10. The superscript for the bibliographical references, that must be always footnoted, will be entered after the punctuation marks in order to guarantee the formal homogeneity of the contents. At the same time, the author will provide an alphabetically-sorted bibliographical annex according with the guidelines set out in the next point.

11. All the bibliographical references must be put in the same way as the next examples:


-Only one author: Alan KRAMER: Dynamics of Destruction. Culture and Mass Killing in the First World War, Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 2008.

-Two or three authors: Robert GERWARTH y John HORNE (eds.): War in Peace. Paramilitary Violence in Europe after the Great War, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.
[If they are coordinators, it should be included the abbreviation (coord.) in any case]

-Four or more authors: Miguel Ángel DEL ARCO et al. (eds.): No sólo miedo. Actitudes políticas y opinión popular bajo la dictadura franquista (1936-1977), Granada, Comares, 2014.

-Book chapters: Camilla POESIO: “La violencia en la Italia fascista: un instrumento de transformación política (1919-1945)”, in Javier RODRIGO (ed.), Políticas de la violencia. Europa: siglo XX, Zaragoza, PUZ, 2014, pp. 81-116.

Journal articles

-If the Journal is numbered by volumes and numbers: Philip DWYER: “War Stories: French Veteran Narratives and the 'Experience of War' in the Nineteenth Century”, European History Quarterly, 41:4 (2011), pp. 561-585.

-If the Journal is numbered only by numbers: Ángel ALCALDE FERNÁNDEZ: “La «gesta heroica» de Belchite: construcción y pervivencia de un mito bélico franquista (1937-2007)”, Ayer, 80 (2010), pp. 193-214.

Following references

If some work has to be cited several times it should be used the abbreviation op. cit. [Alan KRAMER: op. cit., p. 154.] If the article cites more than one work by the same author the first reference will be complete and the next ones will be abbreviated [Alan KRAMER: Dynamics of Destruction…, p. 21.; or in the case of articles Philip DWYER: “War Stories…”, p. 563.] In regard of consecutive use of the same work: Ibídem. In the event that it should be cited different works by one author in the same footnote: Xosé Manoel NÚÑEZ SEIXAS: Imperios de muerte. La guerra germano-soviética, 1941-1945, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2007; and Íd.: ¡Fuera el invasor! Nacionalismo y movilización bélica durante la guerra civil española (1936-1939), Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2006.

If the author doesn’t know the press, the place or the year of publication it must be pointed out with the abbreviations n.p., n.p., n.d.; if there is some possibility to give some city, press or year these should be inserted in square brackets. The information about the edition, translation or whatever should be put in an abbreviate way and in square brackets after the year.


Francisco MELGAR: “España, Italia y Alemania”, Boletín de campaña de los requetés, February 25th, 1937.

Doctoral Thesis and Master’s Dissertations

Roland CLARK: European Fascists and Local Activists: Romania’s Legion of the Archangel Michael (1922-1938), unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 2012.


-Articles in journals (on-line ones): Pedro RÚJULA: “Journalisme militaire pendant la première guerre carliste: le Boletín del Real Ejército de Aragón, Valencia y Murcia”, El Argonauta español, 10 (2013), (last accessed Feb. 16, 2015).

-Webpages: (last accessed Feb. 16, 2015).

Book reviews submission guidelines:

11. Book reviews should have a length between 1,500 and 2,500 words, in any case a lower or higher number. These should specify the author’s name, the book's title, the place of publication, the publisher, the date of publication, and the number of pages, concluding the text with the reviewer’s name and surname. Equally the reviewer should provide his/her own title to head the review. The format has to be the same that in the case of articles: Times New Roman 12-point font size, 1,15 lines, as in case that the
author needs to make some bibliographical reference he/she should follow the tenth point (above).
The books under review must have been published within the last 3 years.

Submission guidelines for chronicles of conferences and seminars:

12. With the stance that the historiographic community should be regularly informed about the main scientific events and their main results, we want to promote a section based on chronicles of conferences and seminars. For this reason, authors are invited to send us their views about the scientific meetings where they have taken part, provided that these deal partially or totally with war studies. Texts should have a lenght between 1,500 and 2,500 words, specifying at the beginning the title of the event, its dates and places and also its promotors, both researchers and institutions.

Submission guidelines for bibliographical essays:

13. We open the door to the reception of bibliographical or review essays with the aim of promoting debate. These can be in charge of one or several authors, and even research groups. The essays should deal with at least four works published during the last decade from the moment of the sending on. This section can serve as a mean to establish in a brief way the individual or collective positioning –in case of different authors– within the framework of some specific debate or historiographical issue. If the opportunity or the need arise we would provide an space to reply any of these bibliographical essays within the same author guidelines for each new text. In that sense, the internal coherence and the relationship among the different works chosen by the author or the authors will be a fundamental requirement to accept and publish these essays, but also their ability to establish a dialogue or a discussion within the text. Thus, the bibliographical essays could focus on a particular episode or chronological period; precise thematic or conceptual axis; or finally historiographical or methodological issues that could be interesting in the field of war studies or military history. The pieces will be headed by a title both in English and Spanish at the end of which the author or authors will indicate in a footnote the works that they will analyze. Then a brief summary of 100 hundred words (both English and Spanish) where the author or the authors will reflect both their motivations to pose this bibliographical essay and also the debates with which he/she/they will deal or what kind of thesis they offer. The body of the text must present a short sketch of the matter in question, what are the current debates, a critical analysis that could show us what the last works have offered and finally what could be the prospects for the future. Furthermore, the bibliographical essays’s length will be between 4.500 and 5.500 words, following the same author guidelines established for the whole journal: Times New Roman 12-point font size, 1,15 lines, as in case that the author needs to make some bibliographical reference he/she/they should follow the tenth point (above).


The manuscripts can be sent to this address:

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice o Microsoft Word.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Ensayos bibliográficos

Con el objetivo de fomentar el debate abrimos la puerta a la recepción de ensayos bibliográficos. Estos podrán estar a cargo de uno o varios autores e, incluso, de seminarios y grupos de investigación, y analizarán al menos cuatro obras publicadas en la última década a partir del momento en que se entregue el texto. La sección puede y debe servir para establecer el posicionamiento individual y colectivo -en caso de que se trate de grupos de investigación o de varios autores- en un debate o problemática historiográfica concreta. En caso de que se diera la oportunidad y la necesidad de ello habilitaríamos espacio para la replica de alguno de estos ensayos bibliográficos con las mismas normas y regulaciones para cada nuevo texto. En este sentido, un requisito fundamental para la aceptación y publicación de estos trabajos será la coherencia interna y la relación entre las obras escogidas, así como que generen debates y consensos al hacerlas dialogar entre sí dentro del texto. Por tanto, los ensayos bibliográficos podrán centrarse en un episodio o un arco cronológico que tenga sentido por sí mismo; en ejes temáticos o conceptuales concretos; o, finalmente, en cuestiones historiográficas y metodológicas de interés en el campo de los estudios sobre la guerra y la historia militar.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted to this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be passed to third parties or for use in other purposes.