About the Journal

Welcome to the Website of the Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar  (ISSN: 2254-6111)



Since its very inception in 2012, the Revista Univesitaria de Historia Militar (RUHM) contended that war studies developing in Spanish-speaking historiography needed to be updated. Indeed, the main goal was to find new questions which could lead us to other perspectives, interpretations and debates for studying and understanding violence, war and military institutions. This project aimed to make military history a useful and interesting paradigm and  a subject of research for the Spanish-speaking historiographical community.

Likewise, this project was born with the firm will of becoming a reference platform, focused in promoting scholarship linked to war studies. We understand them in a wide sense both chronologically – from Antiquity to the present – and thematically – comprising political, economic, social, cultural, memory, technological or scientific viewpoints. Thereby, we aim to introduce into Spanish historiography the new historiographical trends developed in the international field, to promote them, and to connect the most diverse research experiences on both shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

We can proudly say that RUHM was the first Spanish academic journal specialized in military history. It follows a double blind peer-review policy – after the Editorial Board's own review – and it is indexed in several national and international academic indexes. In following years, RUHM aims to become in a national and international reference within military history and war studies, especially in a country where research about armed conflicts, violence or military institutions has not enjoyed the same academic and university recognition as in other European countries.

Through the constant – yet not always fluid – dialogue between historiography and society, we strongly believe that RUHM can and must become a bridge connecting and gathering all the public and social interest enticed by history of war. The journal's open-access nature is thus the best example of our social commitment and our desire to involve society in the last advances developed within the academic and university sphere about an important and necessary field of study as the history of war.

Contact: secretaria@ruhm.es

Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 27 (2024): Redefining Resistance: Women in National Liberation Movements during the Second World War
					View Vol. 13 No. 27 (2024): Redefining Resistance: Women in National Liberation Movements during the Second World War

This Special Issue examines the diverse roles of women in resistance movements
during the Second World War, focusing on case studies from Spain, Greece, Italy, and
Poland. It challenges the traditionally militarized and male-dominated definitions of
resistance, emphasizing women’s crucial contributions to both armed and unarmed
efforts. The articles reveal how women navigated entrenched societal norms to engage
in activities such as guerrilla logistics, combat, sabotage, and clandestine
organization, often reshaping their roles in wartime society. By exploring these
overlooked aspects of resistance, the issue highlights how women’s actions advanced
liberation struggles and fostered significant social and cultural transformations.

Published: 2024-12-17

Full Issue


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