The battle of the hunger: military mobilization, life conditions and experiences of misery during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)


  • Claudio Hernández Burgos Universidad de Granada



Spanish Civil War, Front, Rear, Experiences, Life conditions, Mobilization


The ways in which Spaniards experienced the Spanish Civil War is one of the least explored areas of the conflict. Despite the fact that, in recent years, new approaches to military history and the history of war have made significant progress in this field, the fact is that the political, social, cultural and emotional transformations experienced by combatants and civilians during wartime have not yet been explored in-depth. This article studies Spaniards’ war experiences through a focus on living conditions. To do so, it pays attention to both the frontline and the rearguard as interconnected and fluid spaces with changing borders. The text analyses the combatants’ experiences at the front, assessing the way in which the quality, variety and regularity of food supply influenced their morale and helped shape their experience of the trenches. Furthermore, the article deals with the situation of both rearguards, highlighting the importance of foodstuffs and the decline of living conditions among civilians throughout the war. The analysis of such experiences is based, in addition to specialized bibliography and newspapers, on a variety of archival documentation and, in particular, on personal testimonies and family correspondence that may contribute to our knowledge of the subjective construction of the war both by combatants and civilians. Only by paying attention to the particular perceptions of the conflict and to the elements that shaped the daily experience of the armed struggle at the front and in the rear, is it possible to understand the attitudes, behaviors and survival strategies of the populace. Such an analysis also makes it possible to trace the continuities between these experiences of misery and those of postwar Spain. The hunger and scarcity of these years would remain part of popular memory for decades.


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Author Biography

Claudio Hernández Burgos, Universidad de Granada

Claudio Hernández Burgos es profesor Ayudante Doctor en la Universidad de Granada. Ha realizado estancias de investigación la Università della Sapienza, en la London School of Economics y en la University of Leeds. Sus líneas de investigación se han centrado fundamentalmente en el análisis de las actitudes sociales y la vida cotidiana durante la Guerra Civil y el régimen franquista, así como en las dictaduras nacidas en la Europa de entreguerras. Es autor de numerosos artículos y de varias monografías entre las que destacan: Granada azul. La construcción de la Cultura de la Victoria durante el primer franquismo, 1936-1951 (2011) y Franquismo a ras de suelo: zonas grises, apoyos sociales y actitudes durante la dictadura (1936-1976) (2013) y la coedición de los libros No solo Miedo. Actitudes políticas y opinión popular durante la dictadura (2013) y Fascismo y Modernismo. Política y Cultura en la Europa de Entreguerras (1914-1945) (2016).


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How to Cite

Hernández Burgos, C. (2019). The battle of the hunger: military mobilization, life conditions and experiences of misery during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 8(16), 207–228.