Spanish Propaganda and Perceptions of Japan during World War II As Seen by the Press


  • Manuel de Moya Martínez Universidad de Córdoba



Press, Propaganda, Spain, Japan, World War II


Japan was one of the main actors in World War II. Even though it entered the war later than Germany or Italy, Japan’s military victories in 1942 made numerous headlines. As a member of the Axis Pact, Japan's image abroad was strongly influenced by Axis supporters and detractors. In the case of Spain, which was then in the German orbit, the news treatment of the Japanese Empire showed distinguishable characteristics. Japan had been one of the first countries to recognize "national" Spain in the course of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), which earned it a favorable position in the eyes of Francoist media. Besides, Nazi propaganda had a strong presence in Spain, influencing the public's opinion in favor of the interests of the Axis partners.

At present, the news treatment of the Land of the Rising Sun in Spain during World War II is a subject scarcely dealt by historians. Hence, this study is meant to examine the treatment of Japan's image both in terms of perceptions and propaganda materials. Both local and national newspapers will be the main object of this analysis, as well as publications of varied ideological tendencies. The graphic press will also serve as a fundamental reference, most particularly so the old Nazi magazine Signal. In brief, some key points are worth stressing in light of the results of this study. On the one hand, the role played by German press releases and Nazi propaganda in implanting a certain perception of Japan in Francoist Spain. On the other hand, the fact that the Spanish perception of Japan was neither uniform nor static but varied as the events of the war unfolded.


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Author Biography

Manuel de Moya Martínez, Universidad de Córdoba

Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Granada y doctorado por la Universidad de Córdoba. Especializado en Historia contemporánea, actualmente investigo sobre la imagen española de Japón durante el siglo XX


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How to Cite

de Moya Martínez, M. (2022). Spanish Propaganda and Perceptions of Japan during World War II As Seen by the Press. Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 10(21), 231–252.