The beautiful woman and the grocer. Representations about war, sport and the press in the Portuguese 20th century


  • CEIS20-University of Coimbra



politics, press, sport, war, Europe


This article portrays the way the Portuguese sports milieu, through its press, followed, portrayed and analyzed the two main world war conflicts of the 20th century. It is a multifaceted portrait of the First and Second World Wars from the main Portuguese sports newspapers, ideologically framing the ideas of Portugal and Europe, as well as the role of sport in highly militarized and war contexts. It studies the social and cultural role of three 20th century “men” (the sportsman, the journalist and the soldier) and three social phenomena (sport, journalism and war), in an integrated and comparative way, in two different and troubled periods (1914-18 and 1939-45) of contemporary Portuguese, European and world history. The newspaper is the source for this article, focusing on different journalistic genres and their contents (e.g., editorials, news, reports, opinion chronicles), produced by the main Portuguese sports newspapers in each period. These publications are the most popular, published in the two main urban areas (Lisbon and Porto), with national distribution and reading, and regular publication throughout each phase of the analysis: 1914-18 – O Sport Lisboa; 1939-1945 – O Norte Desportivo (Porto), Os Sports (Lisbon), Sporting (Porto) and Stadium (Lisbon). From these sports newspapers, different events, figures and concepts are analyzed, such as the binomial war-peace or democracy-fascism. The role of sport and physical education in contemporary society is considered, both from the Portuguese (I Republic and Estado Novo) and European perspectives. It analyzes the dynamics of international relations in the context of the two wars, based on sport and the Portuguese press, drawing (symbolic) portraits of different ideologies and geographical regions (North and South), as well as countries such as Great Britain, France (“the beautiful woman”), Italy, Germany (“the grocer”) or Finland. The (media and popular) imaginary of some of the most outstanding political figures of the first half of the 20th century, such as Roosevelt, Hitler or Mussolini, are also analyzed.


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Biografia Autor

, CEIS20-University of Coimbra

Auxiliary Researcher in CEIS20-University of Coimbra. Post-doctoral fellow (2010-16) of FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal), in sport history. Coordinator of Portuguese Group for History and Sport (since 2011) and editor of the Collection for History and Sport (Afrontamento Editions). Reviewer of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme and FCT International Projects. History Channel TV, SportTVand Canal 11 advisor in Portuguese football history. Member of the Director Board of CEIS20 (2012-2016). PhD in History (2010), Master in European Historical Studies (2003), Graduation in International Journalism (1998) and Bachelor in Social Communication (1996). Author of 18 books dedicated to sport history, media and sport, and football history.


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O Norte Desportivo (Porto, 1934-1983)

O Sport Lisboa (Lisboa, 1913- 1915/1915-1934) Os Sports (Lisboa, 1919-1945)

Sporting (Porto, 1921-1953)

Stadium (Lisboa, 1932-1951)



Como Citar

Francisco. (2022). The beautiful woman and the grocer. Representations about war, sport and the press in the Portuguese 20th century. Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 10(21), 133–156.