A good patriot and a faithful subject: Rabbi Cohen de Azevedo and rabbinic speech as a resource for military recruitment (1809)


  • Jonathan Jacobo Bar Shuali Universidad Complutense de Madrid




anti-Judaism, Jewish communities, recruitment speeches, Napoleonic wars, Holland


This paper analyzes the sermon Sermao heroico pregado no K.[ahal] K.[adosh] de T.[almud] T.[orá] em Amsterdam and its connection with the “Corps des Israélites” or “Korps Israëlieten”, a military unit belonging to the Army of the Kingdom of Holland under Louis I Bonaparte between 1809 and 1810, composed exclusively of Jewish fighters. To this end, the Dutch Sephardic Jewish context will be explored through Rabbi Daniel Cohen de Azevedo ― author of the speech and spiritual leader of the Talmud Torah community ― within the framework of the Napoleonic Wars. A thorough study of this religious authority figure and his “heroic sermon” leads to the two main theses in this article: the extensive debate on Jewish emancipation in society and its relationship with the armed forces at the beginning of the 19th century and the promoter role played by the State in this process for social and political reasons. Special attention will be given to rabbinic speeches or sermons as a fundamental tool for troop recruitment and how governments of pre- and post-Napoleonic Europe tried to intervene in their composition. In order to carry out this research proposal, the written correspondence between the chief rabbis or parnasim and the Ministry of Cults and the Interior was translated for the first time into Spanish, and the reports by General Krayenhoff and the Council of Regimental Administration of the Jewish Corps, preserved in the Nationaal Archief (The Hague) and the Archives nationales de France (Paris / Pierrefitte-sur-Seine), were also analyzed. Through access to these sources, it was possible to verify the state of the document, its composition process and the need for closer collaboration with Amsterdam's rabbinic authorities. Likewise, the social ―and not so much military― role played by this regiment will be highlighted, as well as the significance of the creation of a Jewish combat unit in a historical context distinguished by a strong presence of anti-Jewish attitudes. Finally, the resources and sources for rabbinic recruitment speeches, taking Cohen de Azevedo's case as an example, will be another main subject of this article.


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Author Biography

  • Jonathan Jacobo Bar Shuali, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Jonathan Jacobo Bar Shuali es historiador y egresado en el Máster Universitario en Historia de la Monarquía Hispánica UCM. Miembro de la International Network for Jewish Thought y colaborador del Grupo de Investigación en Teoría Crítica-UV, además ha sido investigador contratado en la Universidad Católica de Valencia (2022-2023) y miembro de proyectos de intervención en Arqueología Militar. En la actualidad es beneficiario del programa Doctoral “Fellowships for Academic Jewish Studies” de la Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe, para la realización de su proyecto de tesis sobre la identidad judía y el antisemitismo francés entre los ejércitos de Luis XVI y Napoleón III. Ha publicado en editoriales tales como el Instituto de Historia y Cultura Militar, la Asociación Española de Historia Militar o Dykinson, acerca del ejército como vía de emancipación para las minorías étnicas. Además de ello, es el editor jefe de la publicación científica L’Aigle: Revista de Historia Napoleónica.


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How to Cite

A good patriot and a faithful subject: Rabbi Cohen de Azevedo and rabbinic speech as a resource for military recruitment (1809). (2024). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 13(26), 18-40. https://doi.org/10.53351/a6nm5762

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