To be or not to be a female Malvinas veteran: A debate on denomination


  • Paula Salerno Universidad Nacional de San Martín



denomination, female Malvinas/Fakland veterans, genderization, discourse, memory


In this paper I aim at exploring a series of discourses that question the ways of naming women who took part in the Malvinas War (1982) and whose experiences have been silenced by the official discourse on the recent Argentine past. By adopting discourse analysis as an interdisciplinary and interpretative practice, I inquire into different kinds of discursive manifestations starring military nurses of the Argentine Air Force who claim to be recognized as war veterans: dialogues recorded in documentary films, texts written by them, public and private interviews, comments social networks and legal documents that affect them in different ways. My starting point is that, by choosing for one or another form of naming them, discourse subjects express political positions on the role women played during the 1982 war conflict and, in doing so, they expose different interpretations of their warlike experiences. Then, my hypothesis is that those discourses are memorial exercises and, as such, they guide the process of dialogic construction of memories about women’s participation in the Malvinas conflict. In this framework, naming processes play a central role in the constitution of memories, while showing different stages of social recognition of the persons named.

The main questions that guide this research are the following: which are the meanings disputed in the names used by women who participated in a historical event such as this war, and those used for referring to them? Also, how does naming affect the collective memory of Malvinas? To answer these questions, I will analyze the debates around the syntagma «Veterans of the Malvinas War», and I will observe how the nomination is manifested by analyzing its dialogues with the official definition of «Veteran» and with the genericization of this lexeme.


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Author Biography

  • Paula Salerno, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

    Paula Salerno es especialista en análisis del discurso, estudia las relaciones entre lenguaje, memoria colectiva e identidades, especialmente en enunciados sobre la guerra de Malvinas. Es docente en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, fue docente en otras instituciones nacionales (UNSAM, UNGS, Instituto Superior de Profesorado Joaquín V. González) y ha dictado Análisis de discurso político y memoria en el posgrado en Letras de la Universidad de São Paulo (Brasil). Participa como investigadora formada en proyectos sobre las desigualdades en el acceso a la palabra y la hegemonía discursiva (UBA y Universidad Nacional de Quilmes).  Ha obtenido varias becas de investigación (CONICET, Red Macro y Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno). Creó y coordina Discursópolis, un sitio dedicado a la divulgación del Análisis del Discurso Es Doctora en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Realiza su postdoctorado con beca de CONICET.


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How to Cite

To be or not to be a female Malvinas veteran: A debate on denomination. (2024). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 12(25), 89-110.

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